i am learning to use embrio and hook up sensors and have almost no experince with programming and hardware, this is a small project to learn a little more about this..
the experince i have is with ready to use engine managment systems and hook up sensors etc in an easy to understand software and tuning the engine with the program..
to the project i have set up a LED to pin 13 on an arduino uno and a NTC sensor to read temprature
i have used the raw signal i see in the program to activate the LED with "above or beow"
and it works great!
BUT i want to convert this raw value to a temprature reading that makes sense (celsius)
for starters in the embrio program and later out to an LCD for example
here is the sensor i`m reading
http://www.bmotorsports..../129_142/products_id/400and i there are also the specs for it
i have set up the sensor like this
https://cdn.tutsplus.com...ermistor-setup-small.pngi have tried to search and find something abou this with no result
please help me, i love the concept of the program for my projects