I haven't compiled this but I believe it will work.
A few things to notice:
I moved the code that controls the stepper to a trigger, this way it only runs when it needs to.
I removed the "delay" calls in your code, those are very bad in Embrio. Instead I moved the logic controlling when the stepper should run to a switch and timer, which toggles turning the motor one way and the other ever second.
The reason delay calls are bad is like I said, each node reserves the amount of time it will take to run on a time line. If the code is quick, then your nodes will all execute X times per second, the refresh rate is set on the bottom right of an agent screen. If your node has 2 delays of half a second each, then every time the node executes the whole program will wait for 1 second, so instead of all of your nodes executing say 32 times per second, they will only execute once per second. Eventually I'll add a tool to visualize the compiled timeline and some warnings and errors.
In what I have below, your program will run smoothly UNTIL the trigger is fired, then the whole program will pause while the "myStepper.step(steps);" line completes. Depending on what else is happening in your program this may or may not be a problem.
<NodeType>Startup Trigger</NodeType>
<Description>An output activation changes based on a timer. The maximum number of seconds can be changed on the node, and the duration input scales the actual time used. Triggers fire when the timer is started, stopped, finished, and restarted.</Description>
<DefaultName>On Value</DefaultName>
<DefaultName>Off Value</DefaultName>
<DefaultName>Turn On</DefaultName>
<DefaultName>Turn Off</DefaultName>
<DefaultName>Turned On</DefaultName>
<DefaultName>Turned Off</DefaultName>
<NodeType>Custom Arduino Node</NodeType>
<Description>A node that lets you write any Arduino code to interact with the Arduino hardware. Can be both an input and output.</Description>
<IncludeCode>#include <Stepper.h></IncludeCode>
<DeclerationCode>int stepsPerRevolution = 200; // change this to fit the number of steps per revolution
// for your motor
// initialize the stepper library on pins 8 through 11:
Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 8, 9, 10, 11);</DeclerationCode>
<SetupCode> // set the speed at 60 rpm:
<Code>int steps = transform(Input_Steps, 0.0, 1.0, 200, 1000);
if (Input_Direction &lt; 0)
steps = steps * -1;
<DefaultName>Activation 1</DefaultName>